The passage, in New Jersey, of the Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) requires responsible parties to hire a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) to oversee remedial efforts, removes the voluntary cleanup program and puts in place an affirmative obligation for responsible parties to remediate discharges. For most responsible parties (RP) the May 7th deadline for completion of the Remedial Investigation (RI) submittal has been met. For those RPs who are not in compliance, or for those who have a later deadline for completion of the RI, RCC is available to assist with meeting your NJDEP obligations.
With the rapidly changing regulatory landscape in the State of New Jersey, RCC is uniquely positioned to utilize our experience to assist our clients in navigating the new regulations and in providing options that meet their corporate, cleanup and regulatory goals.
RCC Out and About
RCC sponsored a booth and was chosen for a poster presentations at RE3 in Philadelphia, January 2014. The RE3 conference is a “for the industry by the industry” conference committed to presenting a unique conference for technical and non-technical attendees.
RCC will be available to discuss your projects at the following upcoming events:
The RemTEC Summit in Westminster, CO in March 2015
The RemTEC Sumit focus is advancing the environmental science and remediation industry: technology, application and policy impacting the restoration of contaminated sites.