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Remediation of Gasoline with Injectate

This site, an out of use gasoline service station, has stratigraphy consisting of silty sand interlayered with clay from 4 feet to 30 feet below grade surface. Groundwater is approximately 15 feet below grade with a target zone of 10 feet in thickness.

Two chemical oxidation products were used to complete remediation. The injectate was emplaced in the subsurface via innovative technology in order to increase the chemical oxidant radius of influence and thereby increase the contact between constituents of concern and the remediating material. Injections were completed at varying depths. Field data indicates that the injectate radius of influence was up to 18 feet from the injection locations.

Injectate continues to remediate the gasoline related constituents.

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Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment (when the term “Brownfields” was born)

In 1993 RCC was retained as environmental consultant and project manager for the investigation and cleanup of a 130 acre former industrial site in northeast Philadelphia.

Historical uses on various areas of concern throughout the property included paint manufacturing, metal working, foundry, chemical manufacturing and R&D facility, plastics manufacturing, various warehousing, and truck fueling and maintenance garage.

RCC conducted a site assessment, investigations, and subsurface characterization. A Remedial Alternatives Analysis report was prepared which included documentation and results of remedial investigations, feasibility studies, pilot tests, and remedy selection for various areas of concern. Throughout all phases of the redevelopment project RCC provided project management services including regulatory agency and purchaser negotiations, construction contract and subcontractor management, and all remedial implementation oversight work.

Consulting contributions included hydrogeological and engineering design services, pilot study implementation, regulatory consulting, and labor dispute resolution.

RCC provided regulatory site closures at all Areas of Environmental Concern which enabled all 130 acres of property to be sold by our client and redeveloped by the purchasers.

Our Client estimated RCC’s management of this project saved the corporation over $10 million off their balance sheet reserve.

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Stodard Solvent (Varsol) Cleanup with a Bioremediation Bundled Technology Remedy

The client objective of providing access during remediation of a Varsol release was incorporated into the bundled remedial strategy implemented by RCC. The remedial approach included excavation and bioremediation.

Installation of the subsurface remediation system was conducted in conjunction with spot excavation utilized to remove shallow soils containing metals, with deeper excavation utilized to remove very low permeability soils not amenable to in-situ remediation techniques. 151 points were plumbed via underground piping and conduit to an off-site location and connected to a remediation system mechanical plant. All site work within the new development area was implemented on an accelerated schedule to accommodate site redevelopment. The new property owner has since proceeded, unhindered, with retail development of the property.

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Remediation of Jet Fuel Pipeline Release

RCC responded to a release of approximately 5,000 gallons of jet fuel from an underground pipeline. Within 6 hours of the release RCC was on site. Within 12 hours of the release RCC had initiated remediation activities.

Immediate remedial activities included excavation of approximately 250 tons of impacted soil adjacent to the pipeline. In addition to the excavation activities, RCC initiated remedial investigation activities, which included a rapid assessment of down-gradient subsurface impact by installing approximately 30 shallow temporary wells to delineate the extent of light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) in the subsurface. Based on the results of this rapid assessment, and within one week of the release, RCC permitted, installed and began operation of a total phase extraction (TPE) remediation system at the site for treatment of LNAPL, soils and groundwater.

The TPE system was operated continuously for a period of three (3) months at the site. During this operation period, the remedial goals of the system were achieved. These goals included the removal of all LNAPL, the reduction of soil impact to below levels of regulatory concern, and the reduction of groundwater concentrations to levels conducive for natural attenuation to occur within a short time period.

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Remediation of Gasoline with Air Sparge and SVE

A major petroleum retailer retained RCC to investigate and remediate a retail gasoline service station in Lindenwold, NJ. Gasoline constituents BTEX, MTBE and TBA were present in soil and groundwater above NJDEP Remediation Criteria with MTBE concentrations as high as 140,000ug/L.

RCC designed and constructed an air sparge, soil vapor extraction and groundwater recovery and recirculation remediation system to address the soil and groundwater contamination.

The remedial system operated for three (3) years. Following remedial action at the site, contaminants detected in groundwater were determined to be below the applicable NJDEP (Class IIA) groundwater remediation standards. An Unconditional RAO for soil and groundwater has been issued for the Area of Concern by an RCC LSRP.

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Urban Infrastructure Construction

In support of activities in Jersey City, NJ, RCC Construction Field Services was contracted to install a subsurface bio-sparge system consisting of nine (9) sparge wells, seven (7) vapor collection points and all associated process equipment. Control valves were placed at each wellhead prior to connection to the conveyance lines, which were connected in series with homeruns trenched to the treatment equipment. The vapor collection lines were manifolded at the treatment equipment location into one passive discharge stack. Individual control valves were added at the manifold to control air flow in each vapor collection tube.

Construction activities were coordinated with specific construction constraints including active bridge construction and demolition, an active railway right of way and active property access roadway. Additional considerations included subsurface gas, electric and water utility lines within the construction trenching locations.

RCC worked closely with the bridge construction/demolition contractors as well as the railroad to insure no operations were affected by the system installation. RCC also maintained access to the property during all installation activities while avoiding all subsurface utilities.

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Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Specialists

Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) regulations under TSCA through 40 CFR 761 are a comprehensive body of work that prescribe sampling, assessment, labeling, manifesting, disposal and tracking of all regulated PCB containing materials, including soil and groundwater. Compliance with 40 CFR 761 requires an understanding of the various aspects of the regulation and how the sections/subsections are interrelated.

RCC has completed a variety of projects managing PCB containing materials and maintains a staff of TSCA experts with experience in all aspects of PCB management including evaluation of potential PCB sources, sampling, remediation, disposal and tracking of PCB containing materials. Our expertise also includes the successful application and approval under 40 CFR 761.60 (e) for a waiver to implement alternative innovative technology for the destruction of PCBs.

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